Lukas Raeder Salary – Monthly and Annual income of Lukas Raeder Footballer

Lukas Raeder Income/Salary

  • Sportsman Name: Lukas Raeder
  • Game/Sport: Football
  • Lukas Raeder Monthly Income: €50,200 (Euros)
  • Lukas Raeder Annually Income: €6,02,400 (Euros)

Also see all Bayern Munich F.C Players Salary at one place.

  • Lukas Raeder Weekly Income: €12,550 (Euros)
  • Lukas Raeder Daily Match Income: €1674 (Euros)
  • Current Club: Bayern Munich F.C

All Information of Lukas Raeder is taken from different reliable Sport reporters. This Information on is totally up-to-date and accurate. But as we know Income increases with time and performance so there can be slightly difference.

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